Senior Hub

Dates and Deadlines
  • For a full list of End-of-Year Senior Dates click here!
    • Pass/Fail Day for Seniors – May 6th
      • On May 6th, each senior will have a P or F posted to their Infinite Campus gradebook (under the 4th 9 weeks) in each class. If a student earns a P, that means they have passed the class. Please be aware that a student’s percentage and letter grade can still change, but not their passing status for graduation. If your student earns a F, they have until noon on the 13th to work with their teacher and bring this grade up or they cannot attend checkout and they will not be in alphabetical order.
        • If your student has not met all graduation requirements and check out criteria by May 16th at 4:00pm, they cannot walk with their class in graduation. 
      • This is also the due date for BYU final transcripts, concurrent enrollment passing verification and Edgenuity course completion.

Checkout & Required Steps
Senior Checkout: May 14th, 2025

You must complete every step on the Senior Checkout Checklist (coming soon) to participate in checkout and graduation! Once seniors have successfully checked out, they will enjoy ice cream on the E.
Graduation and Rehearsal
  • Mandatory Rehearsal May 19th
    • Location: Turf Field
    • Time: 9am- 12pm
    • Caps and Gowns will be handed out after rehearsal.
  • Graduation Day May 20th
    • Location: Denver Coliseum
    • Time: 4:00 pm

Concurrent Enrollment Transcript Process

If you are taking a CU Succeed class, you will need to order a college transcript to be sent directly to your school of choice.  Please click here.

If you were enrolled in MAT 1240/1260, MAT 1340/1440, Business 1015/2017 OR Creative Writing 2021 you will need to visit this link and click on ‘Records.’ 

If you were enrolled in Japanese 111/112 you will need to visit this link.

Please contact your counselor if you have any questions!


Student Council is thrilled to host the 2025 Prom on May 3rd at Asterisk from 8:00-11:00pm. Tickets will go on sale soon! Guests from other schools are allowed. Guest forms will be due April 29th and can be picked up from Tee in Office 100. We can’t wait to see you there!

After Prom

AFTER PROM 2023 happens on May 3rd, 11:30 p.m. – 3 a.m. @ East – yes, inside the school!  Every senior is invited and there is no cost to attend. RSVP link coming soon!

After Prom, a long-standing East TRADITION, is a fabulous party for our seniors planned and hosted by the Class of 2023 parents.  It provides a SAFE, alcohol-free venue for our students to celebrate in the wee hours after prom.  This school-sanctioned event, which is FREE for all seniors with or without a date, and whether they attend the prom or not, is funded and managed 100% by parents.

Check Out Video From the 2022 Event!


  1. IT’S FREE!  After Prom is funded 100% by parents, at no cost to students.
  2. YOUR SCHOOL WILL BE TRANSFORMED!  East High School will be transformed into a magical place that is unrecognizable to all students.  Hallways, classrooms and common areas are converted into party areas and filled with activities, games, entertainers, a mock casino, silent disco, lots of food and many prize giveaways throughout the night.


We need hundreds of parent volunteers on Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday to set up this fabulous event in a super quick turnaround time.  We also need dozens of volunteers to facilitate the event itself.  Parents – please look out for a sign-up link to volunteer. We will send follow-up emails with more details as we get closer to the date. Help give our seniors one last happy thing before ending their time at East! 


  • Change into comfortable clothes
  • Leave your personal belongings behind
  • No bags allowed
  • After Prom is FREE
  • After Prom starts at 11:30 PM
  • Entry closes at 12:30 AM
  • After Prom ends at 3:00 AM
  • You (and your guest) must bring your ID for entry
  • NO re-entry allowed. Once you leave, you may not come back in
  • If your guest is NOT an East student, you must have the SAME guest for both Prom and After Prom.