Category: News

Friday Newsletter 10/20

Dear Angels Community, As always, thank you for your support of our East Community and follow our active student body on Instagram @eastangels_madamprincipal and @denvereasths. Important Upcoming Dates Oct 23 PSAT/NMSQT 10th Grade Only Oct 23 Future Angels Night (6:00-8:00)Continue Reading

Friday Newsletter 10/13/23

Dear Angels Community, Our East Angels are continuing to thrive and we would love your support at our arts, academic and activity-based events. We’re thrilled to announce that our Girls Cross Country team has clinched the City League Championship—congratulations toContinue Reading

Friday Newsletter 10/06/23

Dear Angels Community, We are looking forward to seeing you at Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday. The opportunity to connect in-person is extremely valuable and we are preparing diligently for your arrival. Happy Indigenous People’s Day, we acknowledgeContinue Reading

Friday Newsletter 9/29

Dear East Angels Community, I want to give my sincere congratulations to our East Unified Club for being the first Unified National Banner winner in the district. A Special Olympics Unified Champion School has an inclusive school climate and exudesContinue Reading

Parent Teacher Conference Information

Parent teacher conferences will be on Monday, Oct 9 and Tuesday, Oct 10 from 4:00 – 8:00pm each night. We are offering East families the opportunity to meet with teachers in person. Access your students’ schedule for their classes andContinue Reading

Friday News 9/22/23

Dear East Angels Community, we have officially completed the first month of the school year! Woohoo! As we enter October, 9th -11th grade students should begin to prepare for the PSAT. There are free SAT preparatory resources HERE, in additionContinue Reading

Friday News 9/15/23

Hello East Angels Community! Homecoming was a success! Thank you to the staff, parents and students who continue to carry the East Spirit! Brace yourself for a long, yet informative update. Today is the official start of Hispanic Heritage MonthContinue Reading

Friday News 9/8/23

Hello East Angels Community! East’s homecoming week has been extraordinary, and I want to express my sincere appreciation to all those who wholeheartedly participated in our Spirit Week festivities. Your unwavering school spirit and creativity have made this week unforgettable.Continue Reading

Friday News~ 9/1/23

Hello East Angels Community! Two weeks in and the energy has been amazing.  Thank you for your support!  Please have a wonderful long weekend.  We hope to see you next week at Back to School Night and out supporting ourContinue Reading

Friday News- 8/25/23

Hello East Angels Community! Thank you for an absolutely amazing start to the school year!  The teamwork and collaborative efforts to get this school year up and running for our Angels has been much appreciated. While there is much workContinue Reading

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